
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //
// MIT License
// Copyright (c) 2018 Jan Küster
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
//   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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/* global self */

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// INTERNAL                                                                         //
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 * @private detect current environment's globalThis to enable cross-env usage
const scope = (() => {
  if (typeof self !== 'undefined') { return self }
  if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { return window }
  if (typeof global !== 'undefined') { return global }
  throw new Error('unable to locate global object')

 * @private checks all rules in list tro be a function @private
const checkRules = (rules) => {
  rules.forEach(rule => {
    if (typeof rule !== 'function') {
      throw new Error(`Expected [rule] to be typeof [function], got [${typeof value}]`)
  return true

 * @private checks, whether an Object is a Set
 * @return {boolean}
const isSet = s => === '[object Set]'

 * @private checks, whether a given value is a Set instance @private
const checkSet = (set) => {
  if (!set || !set.constructor || !isSet(set) || !(set instanceof scope.Set)) {
    throw new Error(`Expected [set] to be instanceof [${}], got [${set && set.constructor}]`)
  return true

 * @private checks all values to be a Set-instance @private
const checkSets = (sets) => sets.every(s => checkSet(s))

 * @private checks arguments length and raises error if not given length
const checkArgsLength = (args, length = 1) => {
  if (!args || args.length !== length) {
    throw new Error(`The function must be given exactly ${length} argument.`)
  return true

 * A decorator which, given an arbitrary set function,
 * produces the corresponding binary operation.
 * @private
const arbitraryToBinary = (arbitraryFunc) => {
  return function binaryFunc (...args) {
    checkArgsLength(args, 1)
    const set = args[0]
    return arbitraryFunc(this, set)

 * @private contains references to the original Set functions
const originals = {
   * @private The original Set reference.
  constructor: scope.Set,
   * @private The original add function.
  add: scope.Set.prototype.add,

   * @private The original has function reference.
  has: scope.Set.prototype.has

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//                                                                                  //
// OVERRIDES                                                                        //
//                                                                                  //
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //

scope.Set.prototype.add =

   * Adds a value to the set. If the set already contains the value, nothing happens.
   * Overrides Set.prototype.add.
   * @name Set.prototype.add
   * @function
   * @throws Error if rules function exists and {value} failed the rules check.
   * @param value {*}- Required. Any arbitrary value to be added to the set.
   * @returns {Set} the Set object
   * @see

  function add (value) {
    if (this.rulesFct && !, value)) {
      throw new Error(`Value [${value}] does not match ruleset.`)

    // in case we add another set, we actually need to (recursively) check
    // whether the set is already included, since the original add function
    // only checks for uniqueness on a reference level
    if (isSet(value) && this.has(value)) {
      return this

    return, value)

 * Resolves an element's inner structure to make it comparable by JSON.stringify.
 * @private
function resolve (obj, circ = new originals.constructor([obj])) {
  if (typeof obj === 'undefined' ||
    typeof obj === 'string' ||
    typeof obj === 'number' ||
    typeof obj === 'boolean' ||
    obj === null) {
    return obj

  // if we have a set we convert it to an Array and continue treating it as such
  if (isSet(obj)) {
    obj = Array.from(obj)

  if (typeof obj === 'function') {
    const fctObj = { fctStr: String(obj).replace(/\s+/g, '') } // function body to string
    // resolve all function properties / attached references
    fctObj.refs = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).map(key =>, obj[key]) ? 'circular' : resolve(obj[key], circ))
    return fctObj

  const isArray = Array.isArray(obj)
  if (typeof obj !== 'object' && !isArray) {
    return obj

  // add obj to check for
  // circular references

  if (isArray) {
    return =>, el) ? 'circular' : resolve(el, circ))

  const copy = {}
    .sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b))
    .forEach(key => {
      copy[key] =, obj[key]) ? 'circular' : resolve(obj[key], circ)
  return copy

 * Checks if the current set instance contains a given value by recursive deep compare.
 * Overrides the original Set.prototype.has.
 * The check is recursive and respects
 * <ul>
 *   <li>primitive types</li>
 *   <li>complex types, such as Objects or Arrays</li>
 *   <li>nested Objects and cyclic references</li>
 *   <li>functions</li>
 *   <li>functions with properties attached</li>
 *   <li>sets, sets of sets</li>
 * </ul>
 * Note, that functions will be checked against their whitespace-trimmed bodies, which can return false negatives,
 * if for example a comment is added to the compare function that not exists in the original function.
 * @function
 * @name Set.prototype.has
 * @example
 * const a = Set.from({ a:true, b:false })
 * a.has({ b:false, a:true })  // true
 * a.has({ b:false, a:false }) // false
 * @param value {*} - The value to be checked.
 * @returns {boolean} - True, if the value is contained by the set. False, if otherwise.
 * @see
scope.Set.prototype.has = function has (value) {
  const valType = typeof value
  if (valType === 'string' || valType === 'number' || valType === 'boolean') {
    return, value)

  const iterator = this.values()
  let element
  while ((element = !== undefined) {
    const elType = typeof element

    if (elType !== valType) {
      return false

    const setCompare = isSet(element) && isSet(value)

    // if both point to the same reference
    if (element === value) {
      return true
    } else

    // if we want to check if this set has a set with the
    // same elements as the given set in the argument,
    // we need to check for equality of all elements of this set
    // and the argument set
    if (setCompare && element.equal(value)) {
      return true
    } else

    // - if we want to check if ordered pairs (represented as arrays),
    //   are equal, we resolve their children and compare their strings.
    // - For all nested objects we recursively create a "sorted"
    //   version of both and compare their strings.
    // - functions are string-ed and their properties are resolved
    //   like objects
    if ((elType === 'function' && valType === 'function') ||
      (!setCompare && elType === 'object' && valType === 'object') ||
      (Array.isArray(element) && Array.isArray(value))) {
      const sortedElmnt = resolve(element)
      const sortedValue = resolve(value)

      if (JSON.stringify(sortedElmnt) === JSON.stringify(sortedValue)) {
        return true

  // and if nothing has matched, we assume
  // that it is not contained in this set
  return false

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//                                                                                  //
// PROTOTYPES                                                                       //
//                                                                                  //
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scope.Set.prototype.rules =
   * Pass a function that dictates the rules for elements to be part of this set.
   * Use without args to get the current rules function.
   * <br>
   * A rules function needs to fulfill the following requirements:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Obtain a single element as argument</li>
   *   <li>Check, if that element passes certain conditions</li>
   *   <li>Return false if the element fails any condition</li>
   *   <li>Otherwise return true</li>
   * </ul>
   * <br>
   * If a set contains a rules function (or a merge of many rules functions), the element will only be added to the set,
   * if it passes the rules check.
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.rules
   * @example
   * const isInt = n => Number.isInteger(n)
   * const integers = Set.from()
   * integers.rules(isInt)
   * integers.add(1)   // OK, no error
   * integers.add(1.5) // throws error!
   * integers.add(1.0) // OK, because 1.0 === 1 in JS Number
   * @param value {Function} (Optional) a Function that obtains a single argument and returns either a truthy or falsey value.
   * @returns {Function|undefined} Returns the current rules Function or undefined if there is on rules function assigned.
  function rules (value) {
    if (value) {
      this.rulesFct = value
    return this.rulesFct

scope.Set.prototype.toArray =

   * Creates an (unsorted) array from all elements of this set.
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.toArray
   * @example new Set([1, 2, 3, 4]).toArray() // [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
   * @returns {Array} Array containing all elements of this set in unsorted order.
  function toArray () {
    const self = this
    const out = []
    out.length = self.size
    let count = 0
    self.forEach(value => {
      out[count++] = value
    return out

scope.Set.prototype.any =
   * Returns an arbitrary element of this set.
   * Basically the first element, retrieved by will be used.
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.any
   * @returns {*} An arbitrary element of the current set that could by of any type, depending on the elements of the set.
  function any () {
    const self = this
    const iterator = self.values()

scope.Set.prototype.randomElement =
   * Returns a random element of this set.
   * One element of this set is chosen at random and returned.  The probability distribution is uniform.  Math.random() is used internally for this purpose.
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.randomElement
   * @returns {*} An element chosen randomly from the current set that could be of any type, depending on the elements of the set.
  function randomElementUnary () {
    const array = this.toArray()
    const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)
    return array[randomIndex]

scope.Set.prototype.isSupersetOf =
   * Checks, whether the current set (this) is a superset of the given set.
   * A set A is superset of set B, if A contains all elements of B.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>A ⊇ B</code>
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.isSupersetOf
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from(1,2,3,4)
   * const b = Set.from(1,2,3)
   * const c = Set.from(1,2,3,4,5)
   * a.isSupersetOf(b) // true
   * a.isSupersetOf(c) // false
   * c.isSupersetOf(b) // true
   * @param set {Set} - A set instance of which this set is checked to be the superset.
   * @throws Throws an error, if the given set is not a set instance.
   * @returns {boolean} true if this set is the superset of the given set, otherwise false.
   * @see
  function isSupersetOf (set) {
    const iterator = set.values()
    let value
    while ((value = !== undefined) {
      if (!this.has(value)) return false
    return true

scope.Set.prototype.isSubsetOf =
   * Checks, whether the current set (this) is a subset of the given set.
   * A set A is subset of set B, if B contains all elements of A.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>A ⊆ B</code>
   * <br>
   * If their sizes are also equal, they can be assumed as equal.
   * If their sizes are not equal, then A is called a proper subset of B.
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.isSubsetOf
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from(1,2,3,4)
   * const b = Set.from(1,2,3)
   * const c = Set.from(1,2,3,4,5)
   * a.isSubsetOf(b) // false
   * b.isSubsetOf(c) // true
   * c.isSubsetOf(a) // false
   * @param set {Set} - A set instance of which this set is checked to be the subset.
   * @throws Throws an error, if the given set is not a set instance.
   * @returns {boolean} - true if this set is the subset of the given set, false otherwise
   * @see
   * @see Set.prototype.equal
   * @see Set.prototype.isProperSubsetOf
  function isSubsetOf (set) {
    return set.isSupersetOf(this)

scope.Set.prototype.properSupersetOf =
   * Checks, whether the current set (this) is a proper superset of the given set.
   * A set A is a proper subset of set B, if A contains all elements of B and their sizes are not equal.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>A ⊃ B</code>
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.properSupersetOf
   * @param set {Set} - A set instance of which this set is checked to be the proper superset.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @see
  function isProperSupersetOf (set) {
    return this.size !== set.size && this.isSupersetOf(set)

scope.Set.prototype.properSubsetOf =
   * Checks, whether the current set (this) is a proper subset of the given set.
   * A set A is a proper subset of set B, if B contains all elements of A and their sizes are not equal.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>A ⊂ B</code>
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.properSupersetOf
   * @param set {Set} - A set instance of which this set is checked to be the proper subset.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @see
  function isProperSubsetOf (set) {
    return this.size !== set.size && this.isSubsetOf(set)

scope.Set.prototype.equal =
   * Checks, whether two sets are equal in terms of their contained elements.
   * Note: This implementation uses a deep object comparison in order to check for "sameness".
   * This allows also to check equality for more complex / nested structures without the restriction of interpreting
   * "sameness" as "being the exact same instance". If such an equality is desired, please use Set.prototype.equalSrict
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.equal
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from(1,2,3)
   * const b = Set.from(1,2,3.0) // note that 3.0 will evaluate to 3 here!
   * a === b    // false
   * a.equal(b) // true
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from({ a:true, b:false })
   * const b = Set.from({ b:false, a:true })
   * a.equal(b) // true
   * @param set {Set} - A set instance, which this set is to be compared with.
   * @throws Throws an error if the given paramter is not a Set instance.
   * @returns {boolean} true, if all elements of this set equal to the elements of the given set.
   * @see
   * @see Set.prototype.isSubsetOf
  function equal (set) {
    if (this.size !== set.size) {
      return false
    return this.isSubsetOf(set)

scope.Set.prototype.isEmpty =
   * Checks whether this set is the empty set.
   * A Set is empty if and only if it has no elements.  This is the same thing as having size (cardinality) 0.  The empty set is often denoted ∅ or {}.
   * @example
   * const A = new Set()
   * const B = new Set([])
   * const C = Set.from()
   * const D = Set.from(7)
   * A.isEmpty() // true
   * B.isEmpty() // true
   * C.isEmpty() // true
   * D.isEmpty() // false
   * @function
   * @name Set.prototype.isEmpty
   * @throws Throws an error if any arguments are given.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @see
  function isEmptyUnary () {
    return this.size === 0

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// CONSTRUCTOR                                                                      //
//                                                                                  //
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scope.Set =

   * Use <code>new Set(elements, rulesFct)</code> to create new sets. Alternatively you can use <code>Set.from</code>
   * @class
   * @name Set
   * @classdesc Extended version of <a href="">Set (MDN link)</a>
   * @param elements {array} - an Array of element.
   * @param rulesFct {function} - a function which every element added to the set needs to pass.
   * @see Set.from
   * @see
   * @returns {Set} An instance of the extended version of <a href="">Set (MDN link)</a>
  function Set (elements, rulesFct) {
    const original = new originals.constructor()
    if (rulesFct) {
    if (elements) { elements.forEach(element => original.add(element)) }
    return original

 * The prototype is the original Set constructor
 * @type {contains}
scope.Set.prototype = originals.constructor.prototype

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// STATICS                                                                          //
//                                                                                  //
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scope.Set.from =

   * Creates a new Set from arbitrary arguments without the need of "new" and the array notation.
   * @function
   * @name Set.from
   * @example Set.from(1,2,3,4,5) // returns Set { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }
   * @example
   * const ints = Set.from(1,2,3)
   * const flts = Set.from(4.5, 5.6, 6.7)
   * Set.from(ints, flts) // returns Set { Set {1, 2, 3}, Set { 4.5, 5.6, 6.7 } }
   * @param args {...*} - values of any types / length (using comma notation or spread operator)
   * @returns {Set} A set containing the given argument values.
  function from (...args) {
    return new Set([...args])

scope.Set.toSet =
   * Autowraps a value to a Set, unless it is already a Set.
   * @function
   * @name Set.toSet
   * @param value  {*} - Any arbitrary value
   * @returns {Set} A Set containing the value or the value if it is already a Set.
  function toSet (value) {
    return value instanceof Set ? value : Set.from(value)

scope.Set.copy =
   * Copies all elements of a given Set instance into a new Set and returns it.
   * <strong>It does not deep-clone the elements of the set.</strong>
   * @function
   * @name Set.copy
   * @throws Throws an error if the argument is not a Set instance.
   * @param set {Set} a set instance from which to copy from
   * @returns {Set} a new Set instance containing all elements of the source.
  function copy (set) {
    const c = new Set()
    set.forEach(el => c.add(el))
    return c

scope.Set.union =
   * Creates the set union of an arbitrary number of sets.
   * The union S of any number of sets M<sub>i</sub> is the set that consists of all elements of each M<sub>i</sub>.
   * <br>Expression: <code>∪ M = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∪ {M_1, M_2, M_3} = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∪ {A, B, C} = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∪ {{0,4}, {1}, {9}} = {0,1,4,9}</code>
   * @example
   * const A = Set.from(0, 4)
   * const B = Set.from(1)
   * const C = Set.from(9)
   * Set.union(A, B, C) // Set { 0, 1, 4, 9 }
   * const M = [A, B, C]
   * Set.union(...M) // Set { 0, 1, 4, 9 }
   * @name Set.union
   * @function
   * @param args {...Set} - an arbitrary list of Set instances
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the arguments is not a Set instance.
   * @returns {Set} a Set instance with the unified elements of the given args.
   * @see
  function unionArbitrary (...args) {
    const set3 = new Set()
    args.forEach(set => set.forEach(value => set3.add(value)))
    return set3

 * Creates the set union of two sets.
 * The union of A and B is the set C that consists of all elements of A and B.
 * <br>Expression: <code>A ∪ B = C</code>
 * <br>Example: <code>{1,2} ∪ {1,7,8,9} = {1,2,7,8,9}</code>
 * @example
 * const A = Set.from(1, 2)
 * const B = Set.from(1, 7, 8, 9)
 * A.union(B) // Set { 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 }
 * @name Set.prototype.union
 * @function
 * @param args {set} - the other set to union with.
 * @throws Throws an error if there is not exactly one argument.
 * @throws Throws an error if the argument is not a Set instance.
 * @returns {Set} a Set instance with the unified elements of the given args.
 * @see
scope.Set.prototype.union = arbitraryToBinary(scope.Set.union)

scope.Set.intersection =
   * Creates the set intersection of an arbitrary number of sets.
   * The intersection S of any number of sets M<sub>i</sub> is the set whose elements consist of the elements that occur in every single set M<sub>i</sub>.
   * <br>Expression: <code>∩ M = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∩ {M_1, M_2, M_3} = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∩ {A, B, C} = S</code>
   * <br>Example: <code>∩ {{0,1,2,4}, {1,2,9}, {0,1,2}} = {1,2}</code>
   * @example
   * const A = Set.from(0, 1, 2, 4)
   * const B = Set.from(1, 2, 9)
   * const C = Set.from(0, 1, 2)
   * Set.intersection(A, B, C) // Set { 1, 2 }
   * const M = [A, B, C]
   * Set.intersection(...M) // Set { 1, 2 }
   * @name Set.intersection
   * @function
   * @param args {...Set}- an arbitrary list of Set instances
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the arguments is not a Set instance.
   * @returns {Set} a Set instance with the shared elements of the given args.
   * @see
  function intersectionArbitrary (...args) {
    if (!args || args.length === 0) {
      throw new Error('The intersection operator currently does not support 0 arguments.')
    const set3 = new Set()

    const minimumSet = args.reduce((prev, curr) => {
      return (prev.size < curr.size) ? prev : curr
    }, args[0])

    for (const value of minimumSet) {
      if (args.every(compare => compare.has(value))) {
    return set3

 * Creates the set intersection of two sets.
 * The intersection S of sets A and B is the set whose elements consist of the elements that occur in both A and B.
 * <br>Expression: <code>A ∩ B = S</code>
 * <br>Example: <code>{0,1,2,4} ∩ {1,2,9} = {1,2}</code>
 * @example
 * const A = Set.from(0, 1, 2, 4)
 * const B = Set.from(1, 2, 9)
 * A.intersect(B) // Set { 1, 2 }
 * @name Set.prototype.intersect
 * @function
 * @param args {set} - the other set to intersect with.
 * @throws Throws an error if there is not exactly one argument.
 * @throws Throws an error if the argument is not a Set instance.
 * @returns {Set} a Set instance with the shared elements of this set and the other set.
 * @see
scope.Set.prototype.intersect = arbitraryToBinary(scope.Set.intersection)

scope.Set.difference =
   * Computes the set difference of two sets (subtracts B from A): <code>C = A \ B</code>.  This is also known as the "relative complement".
   * @name Set.difference
   * @function
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the arguments is not a Set instance.
   * @param set1 - A the set to be subtracted from
   * @param set2 - B the set whose elements will be subtracted from A
   * @returns {Set|*} A new Set with all elements of A minus the elements of B
  function difference (set1, set2) {
    const set3 = new Set([])
    set1.forEach(value => {
      if (!set2.has(value)) {
    return set3

scope.Set.complement =

   * Computes the complement of set B where U is the universe: <code>C = U \ B</code>.  This is also known as the "absolute complement".
   * @name Set.complement
   * @function
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the arguments is not a Set instance.
   * @throws Throws an error if any element in B does not occur in U.
   * @param set1 - U the set to be subtracted from
   * @param set2 - B the set whose elements will be subtracted from A
   * @returns {Set|*} A new Set with all elements of U minus the elements of B
  function complement (set1, set2) {
    if (!set1.isSupersetOf(set2)) {
      throw new Error('[set2] has an element which is not in the universe [set1].')
    return Set.difference(set1, set2)

 * @private
function symDiff (set1, set2) {
  const set3 = new Set()

  function addToSet (source, compare, target) {
    source.forEach(value => {
      if (!compare.has(value)) {

  addToSet(set1, set2, set3)
  addToSet(set2, set1, set3)
  return set3

scope.Set.symDiff =

   * Creates the symmetric difference (disjunctive union) of an arbitrary number (2 .. n) of sets.
   * The symmetric difference of two sets A and B is a set, that contains only those elements,
   * which are in either of the sets and not in their intersection.
   * The symmetric difference is commutative and associative, which is why arbitrary number of sets can be used as input
   * for a sequencial-computed symmetric difference.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>C = A Δ B</code>
   * @function
   * @name Set.symDiff
   * @param args {...Set}- An arbitrary amount of Set instances
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from(1,2,3)
   * const b = Set.from(3,4)
   * Set.symDiff(a, b) // Set { 1, 2, 4 }
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the given arguments is not a set instance.
   * @returns {Set} Returns a new Set, that contains only elements.
   * @see
  function symmetricDifference (...args) {
    args.forEach(arg => checkSet(arg))

    if (args.length === 2) {
      return symDiff(...args)

    let set3 = symDiff(args.shift(), args.shift())
    while (args.length > 0) {
      set3 = symDiff(set3, args.shift())
    return set3

scope.Set.cartesian =

   * Creates the cartesian product of two given sets.
   * The cartesian product of two sets A and B is the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) where a ∈ A and b ∈ B.
   * <br>
   * Expression: <code>C = A x B = { (a, b) | a ∈ A and b ∈ B}</code>
   * <br>
   * Note, that <code>A x B ≠ B x A</code> (not commutative)
   * @function
   * @name Set.cartesian
   * @param set1 {Set} - A set instance
   * @param set2 {Set} - A set instance
   * @example
   * const a = Set.from(1,2)
   * const b = Set.from(3,4)
   * Set.cartesian(a, b) // Set { [1, 3], [1, 4], [2, 3], [2, 4] }
   * Set.cartesian(b, a) // Set { [3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 2] }
   * @throws Throws an error unless both arguments are set instances.
   * @return {Set} a new set instance, that contains the ordered element pairs.
   * @see

  function cartesianProduct (set1, set2) {
    const set3 = new Set()
    set1.forEach(value1 => set2.forEach(value2 => set3.add([value1, value2])))
    return set3

 * @private
function subsets (S, output = new Set()) {
  if (S.size === 0) {
    return Set.from(S)

  const it = S.values()

  let result =
  while (!result.done) {
    const e = result.value
    const eSet = Set.from(e)

    // get difference between first element and the rest
    const diff = Set.difference(S, eSet)

    // recursion: get subsets for the difference, too
    const subs = subsets(diff)
    subs.forEach(entry => output.add(entry))

    result =
  return output

scope.Set.power =

   * Creates the powerset of a given set instance by using a recursive algorithm (see <a href="">Wikipedia</a>, section Algorithms).
   * The powerset of a set contains all possible subsets of the set, plus itself and the empty set.
   * <br>
   * <strong>Attention:</strong> This method grows exponentially with the size of the given set.
   * @name Set.power
   * @function
   * @param set {Set} - A Set instance.
   * @throws
   * Throws an error if the given set is not a set instance.
   * @returns {Set} a new set instance with all subsets of the given set, plus the given set itself and the empty set.
   * @see
  function powerSet (set) {

    const subs = subsets(set)
    subs.add(new Set())
    set.forEach(value => subs.add(Set.from(value)))
    return subs

/** @private **/
const mergeRulesAny = (strict, rules) => {
  const targetFn = strict
    ? rules.every
    : rules.some

  return value => {
    const passed =, rule =>
    if (!passed) {
      throw new Error(`Value [${value}] does not match any rule of the ruleset.`)
    return true

scope.Set.mergeRules =
   * Merges two rules functions with a strict pass concept.
   * The resulting function requires the given element to pass at least one of the given functions (logical OR).
   * @function
   * @name Set.mergeRules
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the given parameters is not a Function
   * @param rules {...Function} - An arbitrary amount of (rules-) functions. See {@link Set.prototype.rules} for requirements of a rules function.
   * @returns {function(*=): boolean} The resulting rules function that can be attached to a set instance.
   * @see Set.prototype.rules
  function mergeRules (...rules) {
    return mergeRulesAny(false, rules)

scope.Set.mergeRulesStrict =
   * Merges two rules functions with a strict pass concept.
   * The resulting function requires the given element to pass all of the given functions (logical AND).
   * Thus, if the element fails one, it fails all.
   * <strong>Attention:</strong> If passed rules are mutually exclusive, none given element will pass the test in any circumstance.
   * @function
   * @name Set.mergeRulesStrict
   * @throws Throws an error if any of the given parameters is not a Function
   * @param rules {...Function} - An arbitrary amount of (rules-) functions. See {@link Set.prototype.rules} for requirements of a rules function.
   * @returns {function(*=): boolean} The resulting rules function that can be attached to a set instance.
   * @see Set.prototype.rules
  function mergeRulesStrict (...rules) {
    return mergeRulesAny(true, rules)

 * Flag to indicate the presence of this polyfill
 * @type {boolean}
 * @private
scope.Set.__isExtended__ = true